Public Parking


It is unlawful to park a vehicle upon a public street Sunday night through Thursday night between the hours of 2:30 AM and 6:30 AM. It is also unlawful to park a vehicle on a downtown business district street or parking lot between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM for more than (2) two hours. It is also unlawful to park on the front, side yards and tree lawns.

Downtown Parking

Downtown parking is free, although there may be time limits.  Please observe time limits.  Many parking spaces are all-day, but others have two-hour or three-hour limits as indicated by signage.  To assist visitors with convenient parking, we have provided a map outlining parking time limits.

Park Fees

Each year, April through October, parking fees are charged within Tiscornia Beach, Lions Park, Kiwanis Park, and at the Whirlpool Centennial Fountain lot.   These parking lots can be either paid for by an hourly rate, a daily rate, or annually through the use of a season pass.  There is a program providing free season passes to City residents and property owners.   

Parking fees help support park operations, and typically offset 25-30% of the cost of maintaining parks.  The bulk of park costs are paid by City property owners through property taxes.

Parking passes and parking fee collection is administrated by the Finance Department. If you have any additional questions about parking please feel free to contact the City and we will be happy to assist you.