West Basin Marina

West Basin Marina is conveniently located just inside the pier heads one block from the public beach at Tiscornia Park and next to the St. Joseph River Yacht Club (Latitude/Longitude 42º07'N86º30'W). There are no drawbridges west of the West Basin Marina. The Marina has 100 total boat slips, 90 seasonal and 10 transient, ranging in size from 30' to 50' in length. To make a guest reservation at West Basin Marina, please visit the Michigan DNR Reservation website, www.MIDNRreservations.com , or call the Marina Office 269-983-5432. Transient slip rates follow the State of Michigan's Rate Schedule.
- Showers/Restrooms
- Laundry Facilities
- Fish Cleaning Station
- Gas & Diesel - 7 days a week
- Pump out Service
- Ship Store
- Winterization and Seasonal Storage
- Free shuttle to downtown during operating hours (as staffing allows)
- Free use of bicycles
The City Boat Launch is located at 282 Anchor's Court, on Marina Island. There is a small daily per car/trailer parking fee for both residents and non-residents; residents and non-residents may purchase a season parking permit from the West Basin Marina at the Marina Office.