City Commission

2023-2025 City Commission (left to right): Commissioner Tess Ulrey, Mayor Brook Thomas, Commissioner Mike Sarola, Mayor pro tem Michele Binkley, Commissioner Michael Fernandez.
The City Commission serves as the elected legislative body for the citizens of the City of St. Joseph, consisting of five non-partisan Commissioners are elected at-large (there are no districts or wards), one of whom serves as Mayor. The City Charter as found in the Code of Ordinances establishes the Plan of Government.
Some of the main functions of the City Commission include:
- Provide leadership and policy direction for the community and all municipal government activities;
- Represent the citizens of the City of St. Joseph;
- Appoint individuals to serve on numerous boards and commissions;
- Approve the yearly fiscal budget including infrastructure and capital projects;
- Establish and promote long-term goals of the community; and
- Appoint the City Manager who is responsible for the day-to-day operations consistent with policy set by the City Commission, as well as the City Attorney, Finance Director, and City Clerk.
Brook Thomas, Mayor | First elected November 2, 2021; most recently elected November 7, 2023. | Term Expires November 2027 |
Michele Binkley, Mayor pro tem | Appointed Feb. 22, 2021; elected November 2, 2021. | Term Expires November 2025 |
Mike Sarola | Elected November 2, 2021. | Term Expires November 2025 |
Tess Ulrey | Elected November 7, 2023 | Term Expires November 2027 |
Michael Fernandez | Elected November 7, 2023. | Term Expires November 2025. |
Elections are held in November of odd-numbered years. Three commission seats are open at each election. The two candidates receiving the greatest number of votes receive four-year terms and the candidate who receives the third-greatest number of votes receives a two-year term.
If more than six candidates are running for the City Commission, a primary election is held in August, and the six candidates receiving the greatest number of votes in that primary election are placed on the ballot for the November General Election. If no more than six candidates are running, there is no primary election, and all candidates are placed on the November ballot.
Persons wishing to run for City Commission must file an application packet; the deadline is April of each odd-numbered year. City Commission Election Packets are available from the City Clerk's Office beginning in January of each odd-numbered year. The qualifications of Commission members can be found in Chapter III, Section 3 of the City Charter. The State of Michigan Circulating and Canvassing City Petitions can help answer additional questions.
Meeting Schedule
The St. Joseph City Commission typically meets on the second and fourth Monday every month beginning at 6 P.M. in the Commission Chambers located on the second floor of City Hall., 700 Broad Street.
The Organizational meeting takes place at the first Monday following the General Election in odd-numbered years, and begins at 7:30 p.m. During this meeting, the five Commissioners elect the Mayor and Mayor pro tem to serve for two years, until the next organizational meeting.
Current and past meeting dates, completed agenda packets, meeting synopsis and the adopted meeting minutes are available on-line or by visiting the City Clerk’s Office at City Hall during normal business hours. Information on how to view the live meeting remotely is available on the agenda.