Community Child Watch Program
The St. Joseph Public School District participates in the Michigan Community Child Watch Program. For the past 20 years the St. Joseph Community Child Watch Program has been protecting our school students in their neighborhoods and throughout the entire school district.
The Community Child Watch Program in St. Joseph is guided by a board made up of citizens, public safety officers and school administrators. Presently we have over 300 Child Watch Sign Holders throughout the school district.
The Child Watch Program instructs the adult sign holders on how to observe, record and report suspicious activity and those requesting a sign at their house must attend a training session put on by local law enforcement and submit to a police record check for all those who are in the house that are 18 years of age or older.
Students are trained to avoid situations that might put them at risk from not only strangers but bicycle, pedestrian and water safety.
Students learn that should they need some adult assistance, they can go to a Child Watch house but never inside and ask that the resident or business owner contact the Public Safety Department immediately for assistance.
If you have any questions about these topics, please contact the City and we will be glad to help you.