Right-of-Way (ROW) Tree Trimming & Removal Program 2025-2027
Proposals will be received until 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 11, 2025 by the City of St. Joseph, at the City Clerk’s Office; 700 Broad Street, St. Joseph, MI 49085 at which time said proposals will be opened and publicly read aloud in the City Commission Chambers for the 2025-2027 Right-of-Way Tree Trimming and Removal Program.
This RFP is to secure a contractor to perform selected Tree Maintenance Services as specified in the “Request for Proposals.” Provide all labor and equipment necessary for the trimming, removal and stump grinding of trees in City Rights-of-Way, Parks and Cemeteries per the RFP specifications. All proposals shall be submitted in duplicate and in accordance with the bid form included in the bid documents, which may be obtained from the St. Joseph City Clerk’s Office or at www.sjcity.com.
Proposals are due by Tuesday, March 11, 2025 at 3:00 PM. Submit bids in a sealed envelope labeled “Right-of-Way Tree Trimming and Removal Program” and mail or deliver to the City Clerk’s Office, St. Joseph City Hall, 700 Broad Street, St. Joseph, Michigan 49085.
The City of St. Joseph reserves the right to reject any and all bids, waive any informalities in bidding and/or to accept the bid or bids should it consider same to be in its best interest.