Parking Subgroup
The Downtown Vision Master Plan, adopted by the City Commission in 2020 following robust public engagement, recommends that "The City should establish a strategy for paid parking in certain areas of downtown St. Joseph..." to "help create parking turnover, better distribute parking, and fund necessary maintenance and improvements."
Following these recommendations, the Downtown Development Authority began discussions about paid parking implementation. The DDA developed an 11-point plan for reintroducing paid parking into the downtown and submitted their recommendations to the City Commission in January 2022. The City Commission agreed that more details were needed but stated that they would like the DDA to continue moving forward with developing the plan.
In a special joint meeting of the City Commission and DDA in March 2022, the two groups agreed to create a parking subgroup, consisting of two Commissioners, three to four DDA members, and City staff, to develop the plan for implementing paid parking.
The subgroup met in early 2023 and agreed to hire a consultant to advise the subgroup on considerations associated with implementing a paid parking program in downtown St. Joseph. With approval from the DDA and the City Commission, the Parking Subgroup conducted a competitive procurement process and ultimately selected Walker Consultants.
Walker's work with the City kicked off in August 2023 and builds on the Downtown Vision Master Plan. Following a series of meetings with City staff, the DDA, the Parking Subgroup, St. Joseph Today and downtown business owners, Walker has prepared a final report to the City.